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Another year has gone. 2009 is no more. 365 days of last year is the past now. Time and tide waits for no man (and ladies). Once it's gone, it's gone and turning back the clock's arms won't bring back last year. Not even reversing the date of the clock. But you can choose to fool yourself, if you want to. The past is the past and accept the new year as it comes. You can't hide in one corner and pretend that the new year hasn't arrived.
What has changed for this year? Well, at least you're one year older already. Whether aging has created a more mature 'you', only you can determine. New Year Resolutions will remain as mere statements unless you physically take action on it. It could be only one resolution but if it just remains as a thought, then you could perhaps make it your resolution to complete last year's unresolved resolutions. For those who have one too many resolutions, you can pacify yourself by completing as many resolutions as possible.
I'm past making resolutions because I know I won't be able to accomplish it .
Making resolutions only made me feel good. However, it doesn't feel good if I don't accomplish it. So, for this year's resolutions - there won't be any. Keep life simple. I hope I'm not alone in this. I hope there's many, many others out there who are like me. Keep taking photographs, enjoy the great food out there and enjoy life. Oops, that's sounds like 3 resolutions already.
With 4 churches having had molotov cocktails thrown at them and damaged as a result of the fire, one wonders what 2010 brings us. It's not a good start to the year but political anarchists have managed to bring uncalm to the country. No, they're not religious anarchists but rather, political anarchists who are bent on taking over the Selangor state by whatever despicable means. This event is like food - if you don't like it, just spit it out.
And that's what the rakyat is doing. Throw the bad away. They are not going to be sucked into this political game. The rakyat is now more politically aware, compared to the situation 30 years ago, where almost everyone had to depend on what the mainstream media churns out due to no other source of information. During those days, the rakyat can be fooled by propaganda because they had no way to verify the information. The internet has saved us. This is the Information Age. With many of us on Facebook and other social networking sites and blogs, we are helping ourselves by disseminating the right information around. Of course, cybertroopers will try their best to confuse us with their selfish propaganda but we're not easily fooled or taken in by their 'stories'. They are just serving their political masters. Leave them alone. We totally understand that they're just doing their job, albeit being paid using the rakyat's money.
The power of the internet knows no bounds. 'Stories' propagated by the MSM are almost always countered with the right information on the internet, with scanned copies of the original documents to boot. With just one click and the information is transmitted to interested parties. Many times faster than the slow mail, which sometimes don't arrive at all. With many of the netizens who are bent on spreading truth and those who can only live on truth, we're pretty sure that we won't fall for the lies found in the MSM. But it's ok. Leave the MSM alone. They too, are serving their political masters. In the nearest future, we can expect to see the printed media dwindling in readership as more rakyat are joining the wireless broadband bandwagon, where information is at the tip of their fingers.
So, the year didn't begin on such a bad note after all. Well, it seemed bad in the beginning. But the solidarity shown by our brothers out there, have shown that political maturity has risen to a level that we continue to support ourselves and remind ourselves to be rational and not to be taken in by the anarchist's actions. The support level in the cyberworld and amongst the netizens is so great because we have also at the same time, managed to filter out those cybertroopers from amongst us. For one, their grasp of the English language speaks loudly of the government's stance on going against the teaching of Maths and Science in English. But let's leave English for another blog. Their answers in public discussions show's how weak their English is and it's a wonder if anyone understands them at all. But for RM3,500 monthly allowance and given a pc to boot, it's the dream job of graduates who haven't found jobs in the real world due to their uncompetitiveness. Their salary is paid by our taxes.
The way we handle the challenges posed by a dying regime will encourage others to join our team. The team for change, that is. The rakyat will be able to compare the way our leaders handle the situation. On one side, we have instigators and anarchists who abuse the MSM to spread religious and racist remarks. On the other, we have people who pacify and explain to the masses that anarchists are at work and not to be taken in by their negative actions. As a result, we have a peaceful country and citizens who are rational in their thinking. For those churches who were torched, collect money from the faithful for the repairs. I'm sure there are many who will contribute to rebuild the houses of worship.
We will continue to be rational because we have positive leaders who are rational. We will listen to them and continue to do so, as they lead us to change. Many of us strongly feel that change is imminent and it's possible in the near future. That'll be our hope for 2010. We will let the anarchists do what they think they can do, and we will just sit back and enjoy the entertainment provided by these clowns. We choose peace. We will continue to demand for peace and equality and will not let ourselves be hijacked by the actions of a few. Life should be smooth sailing and we should take every effort to ensure it stays that way. Happy New Year.