When you're in an train, do you offer a blank look at the person who's tightly squeezed into the space in front of you? Do you look up at the ceiling instead of the pretty lady's cleavage? Do you look away from the good looking guy who may be hoping that you'll give him a glance? Or do you look down on the floor, admiring the myriad of shoe patterns and styles that adorn the feet of the train's passengers as they rush to work or on the way home to a nice home cooked dinner?
Will you offer a 'Hi!' when your eyes meet the eyes of the person opposite you? Or even a hint of a smile? Are you afraid that the person may think that you're interested in him/her? In fact, yes you are interested but for the sake of striking a conversation only. For how do relationships begin without any action contributing to the start? Even a smirk goes a long way to spark an interest in mutual desire to know each other better.
Human relations are an important part of a person's life. We don't live exactly in a static world devoid of human contact. Whether face-to-face or via social networking sites in the cyberworld, human interaction makes life meaningful. Humans are sociable creatures who need the company of other human beings for comfort. To share happiness, sorrow and a host of other activities that will elude a person who lives in solitary.
In the workplace or in any other kind of interaction with human beings, it is important that we understand how the social humans work. We depend on colleagues in one way or another. Nobody exists in unity in an organisation. Tolerance is a vital social value as not everyone may share the same opinion as you. Neither do they have to agree with what you want to say or do. Too much of pride will cause your own downfall. Humbleness will put you close to people's hearts and this will certainly oil your path to a greater future.
In politics, one can be a maverick and mow down everyone in one's path. However, what does it achieve? It will only lead to your alienation from the rest of the party people and supporters. No matter how opinionated one may be, it pays to stop and listen to other's views on certain subjects, if not all. Politics is a gathering of a group of people with a common belief and it's better to organise a large group for any change to happen in a meaningful way. To do so, humans must be able to present their views in a palatable manner.
Human relations are an inevitable component of Life. Accept it that others are not you. Likewise, your personality doesn't constitute others' outlook towards Life. Be nice to people, and there's a higher chance that people will be nice to you in return. We're on the same journey of Life and it's better that we walk along a path of Happiness. Life is not a choiceless world. Make the right choice and may you enjoy living a satisfying life.