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Argue here, argue there. Fight here, fight there. Disagree here, disagree there. In Life, there'll be many opportunities for disagreements and hopefully, some will turn out to be agreements. Humans are a social lot and the need to communicate and express one's thoughts plays a big role in society. Likewise, blogs are one of the means of communication.
Life and strife borders strongly on two areas : politics and religion. Some may opine that religion is a bit like politics, where it's a matter of collecting people from the same group of thoughts. Money and might makes these two areas in humans' lives attractive. Is there anything free in this world?
In politics, there's elections and the contest to determine who's mightier and garners more support. Though money can be used to buy votes and promises of development can be dangled in front of the donkey, the voters are still 'free' to vote their favourite political party. However, violence shouldn't be part of it. But are the authorities strong-willed enough not to take sides? Well, in the events over the recent weeks, they have disappointed many of us and proven to be selective in persecuting the guilty, and they have chosen sides.
In religion, where it's ideology espouses peace and harmony, recent cases have cast doubts on whether religion does what it's supposed to do - spread peace and harmony? Bodies have been snatched and weddings disrupted, only to see the victims suffer in agony over their lost ones and the ceremonial hosts embarassed. Are these crimes against society to be allowed to propogate and permeate every level of society?
Freedom of speech and actions form the basis of our constitutional rights. However, the constitution itself is being challenged by the ultras and the justice system seems powerless to act against the vile actions of these select group of people in authority. Or will they summon enough courage to set in place, a true system of justice where the judgements will be respected? The perception has to be corrected and may they succeed in doing so. Failing which the people will take to the street law, in getting what they want.
Freedom of religion is an ideal philosophy and the faithful should steadfastly remain true to this claim. Freedom means that one has a choice of embracing and leaving the religion should one cease to believe. Freedom should not be institutionalised into a law that prevents one from leaving the religion. This freedom is part of a human's rights and should be respected, if the masses are to be convinced.
Religion, is a set of beliefs, similar to politics, except that there's an ethereal entity involved. The mystery surrounding religion dates back many eons, setting in place many discoveries that beguils the current minds. Having said that, it remains that words are written by mankind. In politics, it's also about a set of beliefs that sets the party in motion. And the words are also written by mankind.
Do we need religion and politics in this world? Well, it certainly adds colour to our lives. From the basic of the main religions and political thoughts, it has led to the iteration of beliefs into many others and causing many more splits in society as they group under the umbrella of religion and politics of their choice. That being said, if the division causes strife - then it should be prevented from disrupting our lives. We need a voice of Sense. We need to live in Peace. We need to work in Harmony.