I was in the queue at my voting station at 0720 hrs. At 0740 hrs, we were allowed to enter the school compound as the queue got longer. Nobody stopped to check their voting details at the SPR booth, a sure sign that they're fully equipped to vote and their votes are most certainly going to Pakatan Harapan (after all the publicity and calls for support over the social media, where the once opposition reigns supreme, where mainstream media works against them). Polls started at 0800 hrs and I duly performed my patriotic duty by 0830 hrs.
I had spent the last few days campaigning in my own way, trying to create awareness and hopefully, convince fence sitters (they're awfully quiet and don't give away their thoughts on who they'll vote so easily) to vote for Pakatan Harapan. Social media was the instrument of choice as mainstream media was in the monopoly of the corrupt, the very people that the rakyat hoped to overturn. My Whatsapp groups were buzzing with activity every other minute. Detailed information and co-ordination were also shared on Facebook. Every mis-information was corrected on-line as the corrupt sought to disrupt the rakyat's focus on over-throwing them. This t-shirt would remain as a souvenir of GE14, a sweet one indeed.
In addition to being a voter, I had also volunteered as a PACA (Polling Agent, Counting Agent). Our purpose was to ensure that the electoral process was executed in an honest manner. Invoke, an NGO created by Rafizi Ramli, had 40,949 volunteers registered since 9.5.17. Out of this, 25,915 were PACA. Being a first time PACA, it was an educational experience as I learnt about voter's rights in more detail.

It was said that if the SPR didn't declare the voting results by 2100 hrs, it was a good sign that Pakatan Harapan had won. And true enough, voters and citizens suffered a lack of sleep as they waited for the news of the win at 0440 hrs the next morning (10.5.18) SPR suffered a backlash because of this (intentional delay in the hope that winners could be bought over so that Barisan Nasional can retain the country's leadership) but this will be dealt with in time to come. Shouts of joy reverberated throughout the country as the corrupted bunch of thieves had lost in GE14. Even though I slept at 0200 hrs and woke up at 0300 hrs and 0400 hrs to check on the results, I didn't feel lethargic in the morning as I, as many other Malaysians, were energised by the mammoth win in securing 122 out of 222 Parliamentary seats! A 60 years old party of Barisan Nasional was finally toppled!

This would be a country where we Malaysians will stand proud to be able to finally call ourselves as real Malaysians, where we joined hands to kick the thief and his team of crooks out of the nation's history, when we stand together not separated by our different races and faiths as we bring the country to greater heights (and paying off the nation's mammoth debts created by the corrupt as they stole to live off the taxpayers, in an extremely lavish manner). I'm proud to have taken part in changing the nation's course, a direction towards healing and betterment. I now have a story to tell.