In today's day and age, it would seem that dieases are aplenty. This disease, that disease. It is very risky to be alive these days. As we struggle to stay alive, we are also exposed to disease every other day. Diseases are very much a part of our daily lives. We cannot avoid meeting DISEASE any day of our staying alive.
The current critical, high risk disease would be the virus A (H1N1). It could well be NH4 or ... No, it can't be. That's the chemical formula for ammonia. Ha! Almost everyone who have been following both the printed and broadcasted media would know what H1N1 is by now. It is otherwise known as swine flu as it originated from the swine.
If previously, we had bird flu, now swine flu is the 'in-thing'. If you haven't been struck by H1N1, you could well be on the way of contracting the deadly disease if you're not careful about your personal hygiene. Surgical masks and alcohol based hand sanitizers are the minimum measures that one can depend upon to avoid contracting the virus. And due to this, greedy business owners are hoarding the limited masks and hoping to strike it rich while their human brethern suffers or dies from the disease.
Diseases are a source of revenue. Why not? For all we know, the disease could have been cultured in the laboratories for the sole purpose of creating vaccines for the disease. Create the disease, create the cure. Get it? Unethical as it may seem, well, that's business. The creator of anti-virus programs are probably the same ones who created the computer viruses in the same place. Business is business. But the business could have been strategically planned in a better way. At least, get the vaccines out in bulk before letting the virus loose.
Why let the virus loose when you're not ready with the vaccine? As a result, the human race is getting sick by the thousands and most probably would be dying by the thousands too. It could be part of someone's grand idea of human population control, for all we know. The world is getting over populated. A scientist once said that for mother earth to recover from the damage caused by humans, 70% of the human race must die. Well, H1N1 could be among the many options avaible to achieve this effect. But does this necessarily make the scientist bad? Remember the atomic bomb? The physicist regretted ever creating the dreaded bomb that killed thousands of Japanese and the effects carried on for a few generations. The scientist is just doing his job to earn his bowl of rice. Good scientists 'created' botox for the benefit of the fairer sex. Good scientists create artificial intelligence to assist the disabled to lead a better life e.g Stephen Hawkins.
What can we ordinary humans do, as we struggle to carry on our lives despite the economic downturn? Well, there's many things we can do. Masks, sanitizers, self quarantine if we're sick, educating the others on how to defend themselves, controlling the price of masks so that the masses can continue to enjoy some degree of protection against the dreaded disease, etc are things that we can do. Continue to do so, as we battle yet another potential epidemic. Humans are known as survivors. Hopefuly, humans will not go down the way of dinosaurs who were exterminated by viruses and bacterias, whose size is a million times smaller than them. Isn't it strange that no matter how powerful humans think they are, it's the little things that can kill them?
Good luck in battling this disease and hope to see you again in my next blog. Take Care.
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