Working with people can suffer you with idiots who continue to irritate you with their silly actions. However, working for yourself can also subject you to idiots for you will always have to d

One can choose to take action by aggressively pursuing these idiots to their wits end. One can choose to live with the idiot's actions. But the issue here will be - which path will lead to a more comfortable life for yourself. Forget about the other party - it's your own life and health which is more important. In this dog-eat-dog world, survival in the corporate world is more important than anything else. Who will love yourself if not yourself?

Let's picture this scenario - continue to let yourself be affected by the actions of this idiot. One day, two day, three days, and by the fourth day you decide to live with the antics of this idiot. No matter what, you tell yourself that you can tolerate the idiocy in spite of the effects it has on your mental health and consequently, it will take a toll on your body as your blood pressure and stress levels increases every time the idiot carries out his antics. A recent study showed that working with idiots can kill you. I believe it's true. Heart attack kills, if stroke doesn't.

Or...you can take action to tell off the person and make your stand on how working colleagues should treat each other and then after that, consider that person 'invicible' in your daily life. Will you experience a better work life after this? Definitely. For you have taken control of your life and will not let anyone take away the joy of living from you. Clowning around is the way should be lived. Life shouldn't be too serious. In the end, you'd still die whether you choose to ignore or tolerate the idiots. But isn't it better to be die a happy person? Being selfish for yourself doesn't sound too good morally, but if you don't love yourself, who will?
The work environment should be filled with happiness and satisfaction. Happiness because you know that you're among friends and the good relationships go a long way towards ens

I'd say take a decision to be happy and consider these idiots to be invicible and that nothing they do can destroy your beautiful day. Let the idiots suffer by themselves when no one longer pays any attention to them, while we go round our daily tasks with exuberance and anticipation. By treating the idiots as invicible, you've already taken a decision to be happy with life. Life's too short for you to let these idiots ruin your day. It's always better to have more friends, so concentrate on having more friends and

Yes its true, true, true and definetly obvious in many parts of the corporate world. Usually this idiots will crumble in the end. i tell you from my experience but some idiots (arse holes) will prevail in terms of wanting a higher post & bigger pay pocket (greedy arse). while you can stand up to them its also good to let go of it as they will get redemption one way or another from up there who create human beings & the whole universe
ReplyDeleteTo begin with, there's no need for arrogance at all in the office or anywhere else. We're born, go to school, get employed, get married, have children and then we die. We will end up carbonised back to the earth. Sure, you can pride yourself and build your reputation from the work that you have carried out. There's nothing wrong with pride in your work.
ReplyDeleteBut the accreditation that you're successful in your work has to come from others. It's not up to you to decide that you're good in your work. Praise has to come from others who have judged you by your actions or contributions to the company or towards the merriment or joyous working environment in the office.
Having said that, never be arrogant with the amount of praise that you're receiving. We won't be long in a company. It's just a place to earn a living and there's plenty of other job opportunities out there. There's absolutely no need for it. I would prefer to have more friends than idiots, and I'm always lucky enough to be granted this privilege wherever I go. But then, idiots will still apppear in our lives once in a while and we have to live with them albeit invicibly.
Botak, I also believe in retribution, for you reap what you sow. Cheers!
In conclusion, working with idiots can kill you.