24 December, 2009

It's Time For Change

Corruption. Wastage. Selective persecution by the 'authorities'. Collapsed buildings just recently completed. Cronyism. Nepotism. Murder of a foreign national. Expensive submarine purchase. Ships that were never delivered although additional money has been pumped in. Theft of jet engines, truck and tyres. Illegal takeover of an opposition held state. Court appointed MB put in place. Lighting candles, wearing black and peaceful gatherings are banned. Mansion owners who were not investigated and penalised although reports have been lodged with the anti-corruption agency. And so on and so forth.

We read about all these excesses and persecution daily both in the papers and internet. There's always a bad news almost daily. The news are what sells the papers. However, the papers have been instructed to publish more negative news on the opposition, in order to gain support and funding by their political masters. However, the traditional source of news have declined popularity as the government's voice, as the young and old indulge themselves in 'more accurate' news via blogs and internet news sites. The rakyat's distrust in the traditional media have reached the peak. Every little bit of news on the internet is now accepted as the gospel truth, contrary to what's published in the government controlled media. Facebook and Twitter groups are trying their best to spread the truth and to open the rakyat's eyes to the gross abuses by the dying regime and their conniving partners in crime.

Only those living in the rural areas and the old who don't have access to the internet, are still relying on the traditional media and are prone to being manipulated by what they read and watch on television. The fear propagated by these media is what make the rural folks retain their support for the dying regime. Traditional 'rights' are being snatched from them, these folks are being told. If you vote for the opposition, you will have less rights as a native of the country, they will say. If you want to 'sell' away your traditional rights, go vote the opposition in, and so the propaganda goes on. Do these people know what 'rights' they have and what they do not? Do they ever read the Federal Constitution which guarantees fairness and equality in treatment for all citizens?

Do they not want their fellow citizens to live harmoniously with them and share the same rights as a fellow countryman? Exactly what kind of rights do they expect to retain? The rights to the land they live on or the national reserves which continue to be plundered for a few ringgit? The rights to their special allocated places in tertiary institutions? The rights for 15% discount when purchasing houses even though they're not exactly poor when buying RM200,000 houses? The rights to worship in the houses of worship of only one particular faith, even though they could possibly be the minority in the housing estate? The rights of the privileged few who are guaranteed passes in the tertiary institutions so that they may 'progress' in life but payment of study loans notwithstanding? There are plenty of study loan defaulters out there who have good paying jobs but are reluctant to settle their debts due to an inefficient collection system. Even Datuks and Datins are amongst those who default on their study loans without nary an action taken against them in an effort to recover the debt.

As we mature politically as citizens of this beautiful country, we should allow mediocrity rule our thoughts. We have been cheated for 52 years by the regime who's main concern is to enrich themselves through dubious schemes and projects at the expense of the taxpayers. What have taxpayers benefited from the schemes and projects, but to witness the collapse of the structures that were only completed just recently? Where's the accountability of the authorities entrusted to ensure our money is well spent? Why are the excesses allowed to happen? Isn't there any monitoring body to guard the nation's wealth, making sure that the money is well spent? As far as the rakyat can see, projects are only awarded to cronies and family members of an elite few. Is this the only reason why politicians become politicians? The power to award projects, corrupts absolutely when there's no open tender to select suitable companies among the many. Even though transparency has been touted by the Prime Minister, the rakyat can see that it's merely hot air without a desire to really ensure transparency in the award of contracts, amongst others.

Do we accept mediocrity in the management of this country? Do we want to see our nation's resources get plundered for the wealth of an elite few? In the East, the virgin jungle has been raped for years, for the elite few to accumulate sinful wealth at the expense of the rakyat. Electricity and water supply has been wanting in the rural areas. Areas where villages are only accessible by boat or helicopter. Isn't it a wonder that after 52 years of plunder, the poor aborigines or the real natives of the country, continue to live in abject poverty? Children have to walk at least 3 hours across mountainous ranges just to attend school whilst others have to suffer the risk of 2 hours travel by boat. Why aren't the basic necessities provided after all these years?

It's time for change and the tide of change is riding high on the waves of public support. It's time to reject the mediocrity that has been forced upon us for thus long. We can do our part in this 'change' by first ensuring that we're registered voters. Go to the post office or the Rocket Cafe to register yourselves over a cup of coffee. It is our right as a citizen of this country, to vote. Do not allow yourselves to be a fence sitter. Every vote counts and we should ensure that the tsunami of March 2008 have greater force in the coming general elections. I'm betting on it being held in April/May next year. By the way, it takes 4 months from the time you apply, to becoming a full fledged voter in the system. Don't waste any more time. Don't waste the precious opportunity to take part in this change. Federal control is essential to access the already dwindling funds due to mismanagement of the country. We need to save what's left. Vote and ensure that your vote counts in making this country a better place, where Competency, Accountability and Transparency rules. Please vote for change! Thank you.

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