As a people's representative in the form of Members of Parliaments, benovelence is a required virtue. The people elected you into position with hopes that their concerns are highlighted in the parliament, to be enacted into laws as the need may be. Or to amend existing laws to reflect the current needs. Difficult as it may be, going against the unequal number of opposing sides, laws may or may not be debated after the first hearing, depending on which side is disadvantaged.

Have the opposing sides given way for the good of the majority? Do they make way for proposals that are beneficial to the people? It has yet to be seen, however. The Speaker being the event controller, he may decide to support the government of the day, to the detriment of the opposing side who may be highlighted the genuine needs of the society at large.

It can be deduced that politics and work life are no different. You'r basically practising politics in your daily work life. If you're good at politics in the workplace, you're suited to represent the people. Conversely, if you're good at politics in the people's arena, you can survive well in the workplace. You see, politics is something that we can't avoid in our daily lives. We put on masks as the need may be. At the end of the day, we take off this mask and bask in the comfort of our family at home.

Giving in or making way for others, is a way of life. Having said that, it is not wrong to be opiniated either. Proposals can be improved or torn apart for betterment. Ultimately, it is about working or existing harmoniously with each other. It's not a battle between right or wrong. It's about convincing others that there's more to Life than the continuous debate between right or wrong. It's about deciding to be happy living. It's about synergy in life.
To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, 'We should never fear to negotiate. But we should never negotiate out of fear.'
ReplyDeleteThere is a big difference between the two positions. It's all about being wise enough to know which is which.
Most times, the discerning factor is a blur line. If giving in means keeping the peace, would it be worth it? Does it mean lowering one's dignity? Nothing lost, nothing gained.