Many of those well-meaning folks, would have adviced the young voters to register themselves as voters. The apathical young voters who have the influence and might to decide on governments. The ones who spend most of their waking hours on the internet, scouring the web for information relevant to their areas of interest. But one can't put aside the influential and formidable online news website : Malaysiakini, the select choice of news agency that's credited for being the more neutral and brave in putting forward their views on the local political scene.
Fence sitters are the bane of political parties. Either they're not interested in carrying out their patriotic duty for the country in ensuring their government of choice rules the motherland or they're still lounging in the thoughts that their will never amount to anything. Well, they must be told in no uncertain terms that every vote counts, as the battle against illegal voters is an uphill task, legitimised by a corrupt regime that strives to ensure it's political survival albeit against an uprising new tide of new generation of voters who're more vocal and dare to exhibit their thoughts and actions in the open arena.
While the youth are allowed to absorb the political news from both sides of the political divide, one must already have decided on which party he/she will vote for. Being pussy footed about this decision may cost the country another 5 years of political struggle as corruption and racial anarchy reigns supreme. It should be clear to the youths by now, which side is the more peaceful and forward looking, and potential choice of government for the next 5 years. There is no right or wrong party to support. Make the choice and openly support the side which has been chosen.
Whether a better government comes into rule or not, these group of potential voters must realise that's indirectly their fault for not performing their duty as permitted by law. The apathical voters must cast their doubts aside and make their choice so that their government of choice is given an opportunity to proof their administrative skills, in managing the country well and free from corruption so that the citizens are able to enjoy the benefits, funds which are apportioned from taxes on their incomes.
Spread the word and convince all voters and potential voters alike, to carry out their patriotic duty to protect and serve their country from further plunging economically into an abyss. Take a look at our closest neighbour down south and dream that one day, Malaysia, may achieve the prosperity and efficiency of a well managed country that rose from an island swamp. To a better world, Cheers!
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