29 April, 2018

Ubah! - Bringing The Country Towards A Paradigm Shift!

Expose this, expose that. Revelations here and there. Persecute him and her. It's been going on for the last 5 years and that's certainly a long time in politics. The issues and hopes will finally culminate on 9th May, 2018. That's when Malaysians will cast their votes based on the controversies raised since GE13. That's also a day where Malaysians put their hopes and vision when they mark their respective ballot papers. Change didn't happen in GE13 and if you remember the crowds of support (the photo on the right might jolt you back to the few days before GE13) and many were disappointed that Change! wasn't complete but we were almost there. We have a current government who has minority support, put in place by gerrymandering.

And so, the effort towards a complete takeover of the federal government continues. The cost of living and the consequent suffering had increased since 2013 as the corrupt conveniently forgets their promises to help it's citizens lead a comfortable life. Promises which gave hope to a minority of voters who were taken in with their sweet words (and gifts). Alas, the promises were not realised but the corrupt continued their plunder of the country's wealth to ensure their life of luxury and extravagance despite the rakyat's suffering.

Fast forward to 28th April, 2018 - the nation once again congregates to nominate their candidates of Hope, who they believe can help to reduce their sufferings and bring back the country's pride back into their little and fragile hearts. Malays, Chinese, Indians and aborigines will all congregate as Malaysians to carry out their patriotic duty as they await the opportune moment to cast their votes on 5th of May, 2018. A Wednesday, in the middle of the week. The corrupt throws the spanner into the works of voters who desire Change! They can only hope to reduce the losses as Malaysians work together in their fight to replace the current government.

With 222 parliamentary seats and 505 states seats at stake, it's important to know who will represent you in the respective dewans. Let's put our votes for Mohamad Sabu in P111 Kota Raja. You can check out the list of candidates here. It's vital that you follow the news carefully and be intimate with the issues raised and the manifestos promised. Being an ex-ISA detainee, one can be assured that Mohamad Sabu has the interests of the rakyat at heart. The suffering and mental torture that a detainee goes through is not for the faint hearted and certainly not for you and me. The only thing that we can do to show our appreciation to them is, just an 'X' mark on the ballot paper for PKR on the ballot paper for Parliament.

2,333 candidates vying for both parliament and states seats - now, that's not a figure to be sniffed at. Every parliament candidate has to put in a deposit of RM10,000 while those vying for state seats will have to cough up RM5,000; both of which will be returned if they win. The opposition works on public donations and part of the money will go towards the deposit while the rest will be used to fund the various ceramahs across the country. Ceramahs too, are not for the faint hearted, demanding a tortuous 0800 - 0200 hrs schedule daily. Shouting their voices hoarse, they seek to remind the rakyat of the issues that plague the country and also to convince the pessimists of the hope for Ubah! For all his efforts, let's put our votes in for N50 -Ganabathirau Veraman.

Not forgetting N49 - Haji Mat Shuhaimi Bin Haji Shafie who had been looking after the Sri Muda constituency before the redelineation process which saw him leaving Sri Muda in the good hands of Ganabathirau in the new constituency of N50 which covers Kota Kemuning, to serve N49 - Sri Kandis. A new challenge will await him as he works hard to convince the Malays for their votes in an area dominated by the dark blue colour folks. YB Shuhaimi had been instrumental in giving the Chinese a new primary school aka SJK (C) Khe Beng, a spacious area for its students compared to the cramped conditions of the old school, which had been existence over 80 years. A Chinese school where Indians and Malays share.

Pakatan Harapan, an amalgamation of DAP, PKR, PPBM and Amanah. The party had grown tremendously in support and the recent actions of the government in persecuting the opposition through the abuse of the legal and justice system processes, only served to strengthen the will of the rakyat to rise against the corrupt and spendthrift. We're paying taxes to help them pay off debts, which aren't ours to bear logically. Pakatan Harapan represents the various races and a wide range of education and financial standing.

In 11 days' time, we will all go to the respective voting stations to cast our votes. Check out your voting station details here. Every vote counts towards freeing the country from it's current leaders who only have their self interests to fulfill. They will continue to rob the rakyat of the country's wealth and burden the rakyat with unnecessary taxes, so that you can help them pay off their debts while they live a luxury and extravagance at our cost. This is certainly not the life that we, the rakyat, envisaged when our parents brought us into this world.

Vote for Pakatan Harapan for a better future and
Save the country from the corrupt!

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14 April, 2018

Ubah! Our Fight Against The Regime of Corrupt and Abuse.

Read here, read there, disagree here and there, agree there and here, jokes and cynicism everywhere on social media. The polls is finally here and the whole country is back alive on hyper level, as the nation's politics and political situation are shared and discussed heavily. It's a bare fact who's the one carrying weight and who's the underdog as the nation's entire machinery is used against the opposition and the corrupt continues to abuse taxpayer's property in their political campaigns. We have no choice in this as it's their time in government and surely, the entire machinery will be ours to had, if we succeed in Ubah!

In the fight against the extreme corruption, we've had to call upon a former leader, in his twilight years, to help us to Ubah! On the opposite of the fence now, the man known by various monickers like Maha Kutty, Maha Firaun, etc certainly still has immense influence on national politics. After the decade of hibernation since retiring, he's suddenly back in action at 93 years old of age. And spring into action he did, with his hectic schedule at ceramahs around the country. That too, with his lovely and charming wife in tow. A lovely couple who's growing into old age gracefully and loved by all. Behind the successful man, is the patient and wise wife, or so they say.

Are you going to take a decision to lead your future or are you going to leave it in the hands of the corrupt? After one decade of mismanagement and abuse, you'd have recorded in memory the list of actions contrary to the nation's progress. Public funds have been abused to cover the wastages, which is used by the corrupted leaders to lead an extravagant lifestyle at taxpayers' cost. Don't you feel frustrated at having to pay GST while they strut around the world in private jets for their shopping spree? Representatives of justice have been murdered and dumped into cemented drums in their violent attempt to cover-up.Will you make it your agenda to effect Ubah!? Will you be responsible?

In the national agenda to effect Ubah!, are you even a registered voter? For those who have procastinated in voter registration, do you even feel a tinge of guilt as you're left behind? This is despite reminders from the good folks to register early lest the corrupt decides that you aren't able to cast your valuable vote against the corrupted system. If you have registered, check your status here. Every vote counts and it's vital to challenge the system in every legal way we can. We're fighting the entire corrupted machinery and it'll take a lot of effort and time to plan our moves.

Even as the corrupt attempts to stiffle the rakyat's attempt in their haste for Ubah!, the opposition parties have come together despite their differences and unite under one political umbrella - Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), To avoid the confusion, messages have been going around to vote for the blue and red symbol with the nostalgic (bruised) eye. Simple even for the simplistic kampung folks who may be illiterate. Simple even for the newbies to the voting process. All you have to do to support the Ubah! movement is to mark a CROSS in the box next the PKR symbol on the ballot paper. Once you've done that, you've carried out your patriotic duty.

And that brings us to the issue of returning back to our respective voting areas to cast our vote. 9th of May had been declared, in their corrupted bid to scuttle our momentum towards Ubah! A weekday voting on a Wednesday is just the right formula to discourage voters turnout. But are we to let it go just like that? The vast majority of Malaysians in Singapore have made it a point to return to exercise their voting rights. Many kind people, both individuals and organisations have contributed towards either providing direct transport or organising funds collection to get the voters home. And currently trending is the #pulangmengundi effort.

Much has been shared in the corrupt's propaganda against the efforts of the opposition to effect Ubah! From the mainstream media tools such as papers and television, their editors and broadcasting directors have been going hyper-active in the mud throwing campaigns. However, the reach is only to the village folks who may still be undecided and easily coaxed (but there's wind of their will against the corrupt growing in the expanding tide of Ubah!) and is therefore, a total waste of taxpayers' money. It's a Whatsapp and FB elections, going by the messages shared. Paid corrupted bloggers are a waste of taxpayers' funds!

Taking Selangor and Penang as examples, you can appreciate the good that Ubah! brought. Except Perak which was felled illegally (due to debt of business opportunity), the two states showed significantly larger funds saved from corrupt practices and the money is put to good use to develop the people and the community. It's a Bangsa Malaysia movement and we stand together towards meritocracy, shared development and progress for the country.

It's your patriotic duty to cast your vote and may we together, Ubah!