Arguments, debates, debacles, etc. These words all point to the same thing - that there's some unhappiness on one party and the other demands an explanation or at least a justification on the action that caused the unpleasant situation. While there's intellectual value in debates, arguments and debacles almost always end up as a waste of time and resources for both the accusing and aggrieved parties. Should we instead spend more time on beneficial activities or continue to argue till the end of time? Would you gain satisfaction from maligning others? Have you considered the fact that others may do the same to you? Unproven assumptions and accusations will drive a company to disaster if not nipped in the bud, don't you agree?
In any company, whether there's only 3 employees or 3,000 employees, there will exist cliques amongst the employees working there. And why not? One should only choose to work with those who they are more comfortable working with. And why not? Why waste resources convincing the other party of need to work together objectively? Why waste time to convince the other party that there's a vital need to work as a team? Don't they already know that we have to work together for the good of the company?
Who will stand to benefit should there be teamwork amongst the employees? No, it's not the clients nor the bystanders to the arguing circus. Yes, it's the employees themselves who stand to gain if there's a concerted effort directed towards solving a work-related problem instead of wasting saliva on personal-related problems. Yes, the top management may even observe and recognise this visible teamwork effort by handing out the bonus the employees so much desire or even feel obliged to organise events that may further enhance the good relations amongst employees.
Now, a Family Day is not an obligation of the company to organise. It is an expensive event to organise - accommodation, food, activities and logistics. Especially so if the employees are great in number, adding the fact that most would have families coming along. However, Family Day is an event where the employees and their families get an opportunity to know each other better and may even further cement the good relations amongst the employees. Wives and children will get to play together and it is an excellent opportunity to mingle around, besides the Annual Dinner which normally consists of the employee and his/her spouse only. I mean, why not? What do we stand to lose for attending this meaningful event? Nothing much, I guess.
The programs and logistics takes months to prepare. Rooms need to be booked well in advance, taking into consideration that other companies/organisations may have the same idea in organising Family Day. The room access cards need to be collected and counter checked to ensure that they open the room they're supposed to open. Employees need to be allocated rooms according to their family size or if they're single, studio rooms which will reduce the chance of inter-mixing which is against the grain of most religions.
The most important thing to remember in Family Day events is that you have to be pro-active. You need to volunteer yourselves to participate in the games. You need to be more extrovert than normal. You need to introduce yourselves so that others may at least know your existence and have you participate in the games planned. Don't wait for the organising committee members to call/plead you to participate. If you're an introvert, well, this is an excellent opportunity for change. Don't worry, they won't bite, I'm sure. The main objective is to mingle around with the crowd, no matter who they are, whatever level of management they are.
However, the best activity in my opinion, would be the photography part of the whole event. In telematches, there's ample opportunity to capture scenes of activities, comedic action of the games participants, facial expressions as they struggle to complete the games, and kids are the best subjects for photography because they are most cute as they are guided by their parents in completing the games. Humans are great subjects for photography.
Of course, the satisfaction from taking photographs would be to know that others enjoy or at least agree with your shots. Comparing the photos with fellow photographers would be an excellent opportunity for learning - learning is a never ending process in whichever part of your life you're in. Any camera will do - it's the composition of the image that matters. Having an expensive camera doesn't always guarantee a good photograph.
In summary, if there's ever a Family Day being organised, it's best to stamp your participation in this great activity for nurturing and enhancing employee relationships. Unless you have other more important personal matters to attend to, of course. And that's most probably because after work, most of us would normally head home to our families and have individual family activities.A team that plays together will work together in a more harmonious working environment, I'm sure. Well, at least that's what I believe in. All the angst would be set aside during the Family Day and who knows, it may change your working relationships for the better. When there's a harmonious working environment, all he unnecessary knots would be released. Carpe diem!
4 days ago
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