It was a cool, dark night on 1st August, 2010 with a slight drizzle. Some would say that it's probably 'hujan rahmat' as the Almighty symphatizes with his creations who are gathering to commemorate the anniversary of the anti-ISA protest. Anticipation of a show of force by the men in blue is imminent as the time passes by close to the 30th minute after 2000 hrs. All possible entry points into AmpCorp Mall have been blocked and manned by the police.
The protestors gathered and walked across the carpark to the open field. The national anthem 'Negaraku' was sung loud and clear for everyone to hear. Is it a crime to gather in an open field to sing 'Negaraku' together. The men in blue don't think so and they're allowed to continue up to the end of the 2nd repeat of the national anthem. It's great to see Malaysians sing in unity. This is what the leaders of our beloved country have espoused - unity.
As it was drizzling, the protestors marched into the shopping mall to seek shelter from the tears in the sky as possible arrest becomes imminent as time passes by, closer to 2030 hrs. Under the shade of the mall, candles are lighted up after 'Negaraku' is sung for the 3rd time. Shouts of 'Hidup Rakyat' and 'Mansuhkan ISA' is heard as the protestors made the call from the bottom of their heart as they yearn and demand for change.
The FRU stations themselves at the front of the main lobby, standing by in case the police riots. The protestors are a reasonable lot and are just gathering peacefully to highlights the ills of the country. It is feared that the police will riot, seeing peace in process. They wait for their instructions. Those manning the flea market are grumbling that the police's actions are hindering their business.
The protestors were observed walking in front of the FRU, inquiring with them on the reason why they were deployed in great numbers to 'monitor' a peaceful gathering? No, they are just following orders. Two FRU trucks were parked beside the open field, ready to imprison unlucky protestors who were caught. It's just a small truck, so not many will arrested tonight. Don't worry, the men in blue are nice people and won't arrest more than they have to. Only the popular ones will be detained for 'further questioning' in the prison cell while the others will most probably be counselled not to participate in this 'illegal' gatherings in future.
At the blow of the whistle, all hell breaks loose and everyone runs helter skelter. The men in blue rushes into the middle podium of the shopping mall. A protestor was manhandled and dragged to the awaiting truck. Photographs rushed to capture the violent scene as they wondered what could have warranted such a reaction from the men in blue? Nobody were instigating them. Most probably they received instruction 'from above' and had to 'menjalankan tugas' as dutiful public servants who have failed to apprehend the real criminals in the form of snatch thiefs, robbers, serial killers, etc. But arresting peaceful citizens seems to be their forte these days, although they're their paymasters.
The shoppers and onlookers were warned to stay away. Businesses were disrupted not by the peaceful protestors but the men in blue as tables and chairs were pushed aside in their haste to arrest the citizens. It was total chaos for about 5 minutes. Most probably the rest were spared because there was no more room for them in the little trucks. These scenes are likely to be the norm as the citizens demand for the repeal of an archaic law that oppresses the commoners who want change. Peaceful gatherings are not impossible, as long as the men in blue don't interrupt the peace process and citizens awaken to their rights in the democratic fight for justice.
4 days ago
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